PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Chang, Andrew AU - Poeppel, David AU - Teng, Xiangbin TI - Temporally dissociable neural representations of pitch height and chroma AID - 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1567-24.2024 DP - 2025 Jan 08 TA - The Journal of Neuroscience PG - e1567242024 4099 - 4100 - AB - The extraction and analysis of pitch underpin speech and music recognition, sound segregation, and other auditory tasks. Perceptually, pitch can be represented as a helix composed of two factors: height monotonically aligns with frequency, while chroma cyclically repeats at doubled frequencies. Although the early perceptual and neurophysiological mechanisms for extracting pitch from acoustic signals have been extensively investigated, the equally essential subsequent stages that bridge to high-level auditory cognition remain less well understood. How does the brain represent perceptual attributes of pitch at higher-order processing stages and how are the neural representations formed over time? We used a machine learning approach to decode time-resolved neural responses of human listeners (10 females and 7 males) measured by magnetoencephalography across different pitches, hypothesizing that different pitches sharing similar neural representations would result in reduced decoding performance. We show that pitch can be decoded from lower-frequency neural responses within auditory-frontal cortical regions. Specifically, linear mixed-effect modeling reveals that height and chroma explain decoding performance of delta band (0.5-4 Hz) neural activity at distinct latencies: a long-lasting height effect precedes a transient chroma effect, followed by a recurrence of height after chroma, indicating sequential processing stages associated with unique perceptual and neural characteristics. Furthermore, the localization analyses of the decoder demonstrate that height and chroma are associated with overlapping cortical regions, with differences observed in the right orbital and polar frontal cortex. The data provide a perspective motivating new hypotheses on the mechanisms of pitch representation.Significance Statement Pitch is fundamental to various facets of human hearing, including music appreciation, speech comprehension, vocal learning, and sound source differentiation. How does the brain encode the perceptual features of pitch? By applying machine learning techniques to time-resolved neuroimaging data of individuals listening to different pitches, our findings reveal that pitch height and chroma-two distinct features of pitch-are associated with different neural dynamics within the auditory-frontal cortical network, with height playing a more prominent role. This offers a unified theoretical framework for understanding the perceptual and neural characteristics of pitch perception and opens new avenues for noninvasively decoding human auditory perception to develop brain-computer interfaces.