Table 2.

Functional properties of NMDARs in neurons of the basal ganglia

Cell typeDeactivation τ1(msec)τ2 (msec)Amplitude fast (%)Mg2+ block (g−60mV/g+40mV)Peak current NP, −60 mV (pA)
Striatal principal neurons147  ± 191088  ± 255 (5)73  ± 40.21  ± 0.01 (7)65  ± 12 (7)
Striatal cholinergic interneurons130  ± 18687  ± 110 (6)61  ± 30.20  ± 0.02 (8)59  ± 13 (6)
Substantia nigra
Nigral GABAergic neurons142  ± 5797  ± 158 (5)70  ± 20.22  ± 0.01 (6)137  ± 44 (5)
Nigral dopaminergic neurons150  ± 121049  ± 107 (7)66  ± 40.21  ± 0.03 (8)154  ± 31 (7)
Globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus
Globus pallidus neurons67  ± 10382  ± 80 (6)59  ± 60.21  ± 0.02 (6)60  ± 14 (6)
Subthalamic nucleus neurons137  ± 16833  ± 225 (6)73  ± 60.18  ± 0.03 (6)169  ± 61 (7)
  • The deactivation time constants of NMDARs were determined by using 10 msec pulses of 100 μm glutamate in Mg2+-free Na+-rich external solution and fitting the decay phase with the sum of two exponentials. The contribution of the fast component to the total decay amplitude also was assessed from the biexponential fit. The rectification index of the NMDAR-mediated current, g−60mV/g+40mV, was determined from the IV relation in Na+-rich external solution containing 100 μmMg2+. The peak current amplitude at −60 mV was determined in Mg2+-free Na+-rich external solution. All data were obtained from nucleated patches (NP).