Table 2.

Anterograde memory test performance

PatientDiagram recallPaired associatesWord recall (%)Word recognition (%)Words (50)Faces (50)
Control means (n = 8)
  • Note. The diagram recall score is based on the delayed (5–10 min) reproduction of the Rey–Osterrieth figure (Osterrieth, 1994) (maximum score = 36). The average score of the amnesic patients for copying the figure was 29.2, a normal score (Kritchevsky et al., 1988). The paired associates score is the number of word pairs recalled on three consecutive trials (maximum score = 10/trial). The word recall score is the mean percentage of 15 words recalled across five successive study-test trials (Rey, 1964). The word recognition score is the mean percentage of 15 words identified correctly by yes/no recognition across five successive study-test trials. The scores for words and faces is based on a 24 hr delay for recognition tests of 50 words or 50 faces (modified fromWarrington, 1984) (maximum score = 50; chance = 25).

  • F2-a  G.T.’s scores for Words and Faces were obtained after a delay of 5 min, not 24 hours. The mean scores for healthy control subjects for these tests are from Squire and Shimamura (1986).