Table 1.

Quantitative analysis of tip links after treatment with BAPTA or elastase

TreatmentProportions overallProportions of visible sites
Possible sitesObscured sitesFused sitesVisible sitesIntact tip linksAbsent tip linksRemnant tip linksBroken tip linksUncertain tip links
Control43364  (15%)17  (4%)352  (81%)106  (30%)118  (34%)25  (7%)71  (20%)32  (9%)
BAPTA short51442  (8.2%)47  (9.1%)425  (83%)33  (7.8%)352  (83%)13  (3.1%)3  (0.7%)24  (5.6%)
BAPTA long43724  (5.5%)60  (14%)353  (81%)5  (1.4%)316  (90%)23  (6.5%)0  (0%)9  (2.6%)
Elastase16015  (9.4%)23  (14%)122  (76%)3  (2.5%)114  (93%)0  (0%)0  (0%)5  (4.1%)
  • Hair cells were treated with HBSS (Control), 5 mM BAPTA for 10 sec (short) or 10 min (long), or 20 U/ml elastase. Possible sites of tip links were either obscured, fused, or visible. In the visible sites, the tip links were either intact, absent (with no evidence of any tip-link material), remnant (i.e., stumps attached to a stereocilium), broken, or of uncertain presence. Numbers are given as total counts and percentages (in parentheses) as a function of possible sites (for obscured, fused, and visible) or visible sites (for intact, absent, remnant, broken, and uncertain).