Table 1.

Impact of lesions on saccades in different directions

Saccadic gainSignificancen
PrelesionEarly postLate postPre versus earlyEarly versus latePre versus latePrelesionEarly postLate post
Monkey 1Right100  ± 493  ± 892  ± 11*0.30*120127205
Left97  ± 377  ± 698  ± 7**0.24120129206
Up100  ± 3103  ± 5104  ± 5*0.06*122135212
Down100  ± 491  ± 596  ± 6***113134205
Monkey 2Right100  ± 469  ± 6100  ± 10**0.551114151177
Left94  ± 488  ± 890  ± 8***1117140170
Up95  ± 494  ± 5100  ± 5***1137138178
Down97  ± 498  ± 5102  ± 50.19**1143141177
  • Saccadic gains expressed as mean ± SD percentage. Centrifugal saccades to targets at 15° eccentricity. Statistics calculated from all saccades studied. *p < 0.01 in a two-sample t test.