Table 2.

Emotion recognition in subjects with lesions at six specific voxels

SideRegionTotal nImpairednp (corrected)
RightAnterior SMG12120.0012
RightTemporal pole113NS
LeftTemporal pole105NS
LeftFrontal operculum970.094
  • Detailed information from the performances (mean emotion recognition on Experiment 1) of all 108 subjects for each of six neuroanatomically specified voxels (4 of which are shown as thewhite boxes in Figure 2a; see Fig. 2alegend for a description of how the voxels were chosen). Shown are voxel location (Region), numbers of all subjects with lesions at the voxel (Total n), numbers of subjects in the bottom 50% score partition with lesions at the voxel (Impaired n), andp value of the probability of obtaining the observed distribution of impaired/total subjects at that voxel from re-randomization. Bonferroni-corrected p values are given for those distributions in which there was a majority of impaired subjects.