Table 1.

Axonal branching patterns of nigrostriatal cells at striatal and extrastriatal levels

Nigral sector, number of labeled axons (n), and cell typeAxonal branching: sites and degree1-a
CPuFStrExtrastriatal structures
Dorsal tier (n = 19)
 Type 1 (n = 12)++/+++−/+−/+−/+
 Type 2 (n = 3)++/+++++/+++−/++/++
 Type 3 (n= 4)−/+++/+++−/+
Ventral tier (n = 23)
 Outside SNr (n = 12)−/++−/+−/+
 Within SNr (n = 7)+++/++++/++
 Cell clusters (n= 4)
  • CPu, Caudate-putamen; FStr, fundus striati; M, striatal matrix compartment; S, striosome; SS, subcallosal streak.

  • F1-a Degrees of axonal branching: −, none; +, weak; ++, moderate; +++, high.