Table 3.

Relative current amplitudes of coexpressed GluR7 mutants and chimeras between GluR6 and GluR7

CloneKA current [%]Glu current [%]n
GluR6(Q) + H2O100.0  ± 9.7100.0  ± 8.67
GluR7(insR651a/K652R/P653Q) + GluR7(K758N)0.2  ± 0.11.9  ± 1.05
GluR7(insR651a/K652R/P653Q) + GluR7(I731M)0.8  ± 0.32.1  ± 0.75
GluR7(K626E) + GluR7(I731M)0.0  ± 0.00.0  ± 0.03
GluR7(I731M) + GluR7(K758N)0.09  ± 0.040.90  ± 0.046
GluR7(insR651a/K652R/P653Q) + GluR7–GluR6L3C/FC14.9  ± 5.89.5  ± 3.64
GluR7(K6262E) + GluR7-GluR6L3C/FC6.9  ± 4.06.7  ± 4.54
GluR7–GluR6L3N + GluR7–GluR6L3C/FC0.8  ± 0.20.8  ± 0.23
  • Receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes were probed with 300 μm glutamate and 300 μm kainate as agonists. All currents were measured after 8 min of pretreatment of oocytes with ConA to minimize desensitization. Relative currents were calculated by taking GluR6 currents of the same batch as 100%. Data are shown as means ± SEM.