Table 2.

Effect of unilateral treatment with SSP-SAP or SAP on the number of TH- or NK1R-ir neurons present within the pre-BötC

TH-ir cells (treated side)TH-ir cells (untreated side)NK1R-ir cells (treated side)NK1R-ir cells (untreated side)
SSP-SAP11.9  ± 0.410.8  ± 0.90.4  ± 0.1*,14.8  ± 0.6
SAP13.7  ± 0.713  ± 0.716.1  ± 1.217.2  ± 1.1
  • This table indicates the number of cells found within a 500-μm-wide × 500-μm-high square box encompassing the pre-BötC in coronal sections. The box was positioned so that the middle of its top side touched the bottom of nucleus amgibuus [for further details, see Wang et al. (2001)]. Two sections (bregma −12.7 and −12.9 mm) were examined per rat, generating one number from which the means were derived.

  • * p < 0.05 when compared with the untreated side of SSP-SAP-treated rats (one-way ANOVA).

  • p < 0.05 when compared with the treated side of SAP-treated rats.