Table 4.

Psychophysiological interactions

MNI Coordinates of peak activation
Brain Region xyzZ value of peak activation p Valuee SVC
a, Main effect of rTMS increase (−30, −26, 62) as index region for PPIa
Sensorimotor Left −38 −20 46 3.28 0.07
Premotor (PMd) Left −14 −6 66 3.59 0.029
Cingulate motor (rostral) Left −4 14 34 3.62 0.026
b, Sensorimotor (−42, −26, 56) as index region for PPIb
Sensorimotor Left −38 −20 46 3.61 0.028
c, PMd (−26, −14, 68) as index region for PPIc
Sensorimotor Left −36 −22 44 3.32 0.061
Right 44 −22 42 4.03 0.007
d, SMA (−12, −4, 56) as index region for PPId
Sensorimotor Left −34 −22 48 3.69 0.021
Left −30 −26 54 4.04 0.006
  • a TMS site as index area: coordinates of brain regions to which the TMS site is less sensitive after rTMS.

  • b-d Three movement-related activations as index areas. Coordinates of brain regions showing increased coupling with left sensorimotor region (b), left dorsal premotor region (c), and left SMA after real-rTMS (d), compared with sham-rTMS.

  • e p < 0.05 (small volume correction, using values in Table 2).