Table 3.

Effect of mechanosensory stimulation on mean reversal interval

Mean reversal interval (seconds)
Stimulus applied First Second Third Fourth Significance (p value) second versus third
Gentle touch (tail)
N2 26±2.7 (50) 14±2.2 (50) 21±3.2 (50) 13±2.8 (50) 0.02
mec-3 22±2.4 (30) 12±1.6 (30) 10±1.3 (30) 10±0.8 (30) 0.32
Harsh touch
N2 45±2.0 (50) 11±1.4 (50) 42±3.8 (50) 10±0.9 (50) 0.01
mec-3 30±3.3 (50) 11±1.7 (50) 14±1.9 (50) 12±1.4 (50) 0.25
Heat stimulus 63±4.5 (60) 21±3.0 (60) 19±2.9 (60) 15±2.1 (60) 0.79
  • The data consist of the mean reversal intervals in seconds ± SEM for the first, second, third, and fourth intervals. The numbers of worms assayed are in parentheses. In all cases the stimulus was applied after completion of the second reversal.

    The second and third reversal intervals were compared using the Mann-Whitney U statistic.