Table 2.

[3H]BTA-1 binding to specified areas of a Braak stage II control brain (Cntl 04) and a Braak stage VI AD brain (AD 01)

Brain areapmol BTA-1/mg wet weight (mean ± SD)p value2-a
Cntl 04AD 01
EC0.078  ± 0.0060.082  ± 0.0080.489
Fr0.093  ± 0.0040.887  ± 0.0110.00001
Cb0.078  ± 0.00010.043  ± 0.0040.005
  • See Table 1 for details. EC, Entorhinal cortex; Fr, frontal cortex; Cb, cerebellum.

  • F2-a Student's t test comparison of control and AD values.