Table 1.

Mean performance (percentage of correct trials) and reaction time (in milliseconds) of the two monkeys across recording sessions and across different conditions

Correct responses (%) Saccade reaction time (msec)
Shape search Color search Shape search Color search
S(T) C N S C(T) N S(T) C N S C(T) N
Monkey 1 83.1 85.6 85.1 83.3 86.8 87.3 367.9 369.1 352.9 361.3 358.7 354.9
Monkey 2 85.0 85.0 82.0 86.3 88.2 89.0 273.6 281.6 268.7 255.4 253.2 249.7
  • The receptive field stimulus singleton types are indicated by S (shape singleton), C (color singleton), and N (nonsingleton); (T) indicates that the receptive field stimulus is the target. Differences in the performance scores and in the reaction times were evaluated using a two-factor ANOVA applied to each monkey, with search condition and singleton type as the main factors. A significant difference was defected only in the reaction times for the two search conditions with monkey 2 (p <0.05).