Table 1.

Overview of CaMKII mutants and their phenotypes

Mutanta Purpose Molecular characterizationb Plasticityb Behavioral phenotype
αCaMKII-null (−/−)1,2 Elimination of αCaMKII protein Expression level of βCaMKII is unaltered1,2 but targeting of βCaMKII to PSD is increased2 HC-LTP reduced1-3 Hippocampus-dependent learning severely impaired but learning in some animals is observed after extended training1,2,6
NC-LTP reduced in adult animals4-6
NC-LTP normal in young animals4,5
Decreased PPF1 Increased seizure susceptibility7 (background dependent?2)
Normal I/O2
αCaMKII-null (+/−)1,2 Reduction of αCaMKII protein αCaMKII 50% reduced, βCaMKII levels normal HC-LTP normal2,8,9 Normal learning2 or reduced hippocampus-dependent learning8 (background and protocol dependent)
NC-LTP reduced9
Decreased PPF8
Increased augmentation8 Severely impaired remote memory10
Decreased fear and increased aggressive behavior11
αCaMKII-Floxed + CA3-cre12 Elimination of αCaMKII protein in CA3 area αCaMKII is absent from CA3 area after 4 months of age Increased frequency facilitation Not tested
Normal PPF and basal Pr
αCaMKII-T286A13 Blocks T286 phosphorylation (no autonomous activity) Normal expression level of α/βCaMKII; Ca2+ -independent activity reduced by 60% HC-LTP and NC-LTP impaired13-16 Severely impaired learning in water maze13,17
Normal I/O13
Unstable place cells18
Tg-αCaMKII-T286D19 Mimics constitutive T286 phosphorylation Ca2+ independent activity two-fold increased Favors LTD19 Impaired learning in Barnes maze21
Normal NC-LTP20 Impaired olfactory-based spatial learning22
Normal PPF19 Normal cued and contextual conditioning21
Unstable place cells23
Tg-αCaMKII-T286D24 (Tet inducible) Mimics constitutive T286 phosphorylation in an inducible manner Ca2+ -independent activity sixfold increased at maximum induction Favors LTP at low expression level25 Impaired learning in Barnes maze24
Favors LTD at high expression level24,25 Impaired learning in water maze25
NC-LTP and LTD normal20 Impaired cued and contextual conditioning24,25
αCaMKII-TT305/6VA2 Blocks T305/T306 (inhibitory) phosphorylation Increased levels of CaMKII in PSD Favors LTP Impaired water maze learning (initial learning okay)
Normal LTD and I/O
Impaired reversal learning
Impaired context discrimination
Old mice get seizures
αCaMKII-T305D2 Mimics constitutive T305 (inhibitory) phosphorylation Severely reduced levels of α/βCaMKII in PSD Favors LTD Severely impaired in water maze and cued conditioning (cannot learn after over-training)
Normal LTD and I/O
αCaMKII-Δ3′UTR26 Impairs dendritic targeting of mRNA Reduced amount of PSD associated CaMKII Normal (early) LTP Impaired learning in water maze
Reduced late-phase LTP Normal STM but impaired LTM after cued and contextual conditioning
Tg-αCaMKII-F89G27 Inducible system allowing rapid (8 min) reversible decrease of αCaMKII transgene activity Ca2+ -(in)dependent activity twofold to threefold increased without inhibitor Normal I/O and PPF Impaired memory consolidation of contextual and cued conditioning when CaMKII activity is changed at the first week after training.
Enhanced LTD at 3 Hz
Enhanced LTP at > 10Hz
Ube3A28,29 Encodes E6-AP ubiquitin ligase; mouse model for Angelman's syndrome Increased T286-P and T305-P30 Impaired LTP28 Impaired spatial learning28,29
Decreased αCaMKII in PSD30 Normal I/O28 Impaired motor coordination28,29
Decreased PP1/PP2A activity30 Inducible seizures28,29
  • 1Silva et al., 1992; 2Elgersma et al., 2002; 3Hinds et al., 1998; 4Glazewski et al., 1996; 5Kirkwood et al., 1997; 6Gordon et al., 1996; 7Butler et al., 1995; 8Silva et al., 1996; 9Frankland et al., 2001; 10Frankland et al., 2004; 11Chen et al., 1994; 12Hinds et al., 2003; 13Giese et al., 1998; 14Glazewski et al., 2000; 15Hardingham et al., 2003; 16Taha et al., 2002; 17Need et al., 2003; 18Cho et al., 1998; 19Mayford et al., 1995; 20Glazewski et al., 2001; 21Bach et al., 1995; 22Wiedenmayer et al., 2000; 23Rotenberg et al., 1996; 24Mayford et al., 1996; 25Bejar et al., 2002; 26Miller et al., 2002; 27Wang et al., 2003; 28Jiang et al., 1998; 29Miura et al., 2002; 30Weeber et al., 2003.

    NC, Neocortex; I/O, input/output (a parameter used to assess synaptic transmission); HC, hippocampus; LTM, long-term memory (24 hr); PSD, postsynaptic density; PPF, paired pulse facilitation; Pr, probability of release; STM, short-term memory (30 min); Tg, transgenic.

  • a References given in this column refer to primary papers describing the generation and analysis of the mutant. Mutants are made by homologous recombination unless otherwise specified.

  • b Molecular characterization and plasticity refers to the hippocampus unless otherwise specified.