Table 1.

Examples of sentences used during initial training and the WORD and RULE conditions

Grammatical sentences Nongrammatical sentences
(1) Initial training 1 aaf plox glif rüfi aak böke gum *1 aaf plox glif rüfi aaf böke gum
d N v m D M N d N v m d M N
(2) Word condition 2 aaf gum glif rüfi aak böke plox *2 aaf gum glif pel aak böke plox
d N v m D M N d N v v D M N
(3) Rule condition 3 aaf plox glif rüfi aak gum böke *3 aaf plox aak gum böke glif rüfi
d N v m D N M d N D N M v m
  • For notation of word categories, see Figure 1. The changes made are in bold for grammatical as well as for nongrammatical sentences. Violations that rendered sentences nongrammatical are in italics.

    *1, Agreement violation between determiner and type of noun phrase; *2, word category repetition; *3, phrase structure violation; noun phrase (dN) should be followed by a verb phrase (v or vm) as in (1), but not by another noun phrase (DNM). Note that each type of violation occurred in every condition.