Table 1.

Total errors in a 200 trial session or errors to criterion of 85% correct responding for each of the experimental rats that could detect odors and mean scores for controls on each odor detection and discrimination task

Rat number EA 5%a EA 1% EA 0.1% EA 0.01% A B C D E D1 D2 D3 D4
AA1 14 0 3 2 3 2 1 9 7 7 7 17 27
AA2 14 2 3 7 6 8 1 1 46 10 15 76** 46
AA5 117 71 97** 100** 93** 90** 45 8 64 69 93** 72** 64
AA6 9 8 99** 101** 94** 93** 56 95** 79 96** 98** 82** 72
EE1 17 1 5 5 5 40 2 3 26 3 2 91** 56
EE2 18 7 14 28 6 79** 10 18 15 97** 10 107** 25
EE4 56 10 19 105** 93** 103** 91** 53 7 29 92** 33 43
EE5 16 6 22 6 3 7 7 43 86** 9 20 25 86**
A16 111 3 12 15 75 * 27 * * 89** * 107** *
A27 2 16 10 9 17 * 22 * * 14 * 59 *
D5 139 7 32 19 14 * 97** * 88** 103** * 94** 98**
D9 6 3 1 10 5 * 15 * 56 12 * 33 93**
D15 154 5 42 43 8 * 34 * 34 92** * 94** 39
D24 3 1 0 63** 1 * 14 * 42 12 * 11 31
D27 201 3 22 98** 19 * 33 * 23 21 * * 100**
E6 4 2 91** 98** 1 * 12 12 2 * 13 16
E7 19 0 1 2 12 * 43 * 17 23 * 93** 17
Percentageb 100 100 82 65 82 50 88 88 87 70 62 44 73
Controlsc 4.2 6.1 13.5 8.6 3.4 5.3 2.7 3.7 5.1 2.6 6.2 9.3 31.7
  • a A maximum of 600 trials was allowed on the 5% ethyl acetate detection, 200 trails on all other tasks. EA, Ethyl acetate.

  • b Percentage of rats tested that reached criterion performance.

  • c Mean errors. All control rats reached criterion on all tasks. A-E, Perfume, citral, 10% acetic acid, 1% acetic acid, and (+)-carvone detection tasks, respectively. D1-D4, Perfume discrimination, acetic acid versus caproic acid, acetic acid versus propionic acid, and (+)-carvone versus (−)-carvone discrimination tasks, respectively.

  • * Was not tested.

  • ** Did not reach criterion of 85% correct responding.