Table 1.

Individual subject's activation during somatic and visceral pain

Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Periaqueductal grey B 3.32 L 2.45 0.00 R 2.47 0.40 2.27 1.43 0.00 B 3.42 1.61
Nucleus cuneiformis R 2.96 B 2.61 0.00 R 2.94 R 2.33 2.1 0.84 0.00 R 2.58 R 2.74
Red nucleus R 2.56 B 4.09 0.00 B 2.74 R 2.68 R 2.91 1.87 0.21 R 2.97 R 3.19
Ventral tegmental area B 3.06 L 2.89 1.52 1.56 1.12 B 3.64 1.87 0.59 L 2.72 R 3.85
Dorsolateral pons 2.08 B 2.74 0.00 B 2.84 0.00 1.49 R 2.65 0.00 B 6.98 B 3.46
RVM 1.82 M 2.77 0.00 0.48 0.00 R 3.08 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.74
Dorsolateral medulla 0.69 1.62 0.00 1.48 0.00 R 2.81 1.58 0.00 0.07 R 2.98
Periaqueductal grey L 2.98 B 4.93 B 3.09 B 2.33 B 5.07 1.18 1.39 B 2.93 B 6.67 R 2.36
Nucleus cuneiformis L 3.18 B 6.21 B 3.31 B 4.17 B 6.14 1.80 1.33 B 5.78 1.89 R 2.65
Red nucleus 1.72 B 4.50 B 3.14 B 4.99 B 4.22 B 3.13 1.52 B 6.35 1.77 R 3.30
Ventral tegmental area 1.95 B 3.53 B 4.00 L 3.82 B 4.79 0.98 1.72 B 8.09 0.02 B 4.75
Dorsolateral pons L 3.08 B 7.22 1.87 B 3.38 B 3.30 0.00 0.61 B 3.09 B 5.22 B 3.31
RVM 0.00 M 4.26 0.00 1.50 B 4.30 0.00 0.00 M 2.36 1.54
Dorsolateral medulla 0.97 1.75 0.02 B 2.88 R 2.96 0.00 0.71 B 3.72 B 4.16 R 2.37
For each subject (1-10), the peak z-score for each brainstem region is listed. When the z-score crossed the statistical threshold (z > 2.3; p < 0.01), the side is indicated (R, right; L, left; B, bilateral; M, midline).