Table 2.

Brain regions more activated in failed compared with successful inhibitions

Cluster size (voxels) Voxel Z value Talairach coordinates (mm)
xyz Side Identified region and BA
617 6.07 20 -62 0 R Lingual G, BA 19
5.77 -11 -81 -1 L Lingual G, BA 18
38 5.05 -32 -15 45 L Precentral G, BA 4
91 4.87 -1 8 42 L Medial frontal G, BA 32
4.53 3 4 56 R Superior frontal G, BA 6
53 4.83 -8 -23 6 L Thalamus, pulvinar
3 4.10 -40 -3 7 L Insula, BA 13
4 4.02 -36 -30 16 L Superior temporal G, BA 29
  • Statistical threshold: p = 0.001, FDR corrected. G, Gyrus; R, right; L, left.