Table 1.

Activity evoked by stimulus 1 (all trials)

Brain areaExperimental plus control (STIM1 vs resting baseline) t value
Left SI/PPC−39−4040 4.91
Right SI/PPC50−3135 7.58
Left SII−54−2524 7.36
Right SII57−2219 4.30
Left aIC−3927 10.07
Right aIC30513 7.58
Left ACC (BA 24)−411282.10
Right ACC (BA 24)68342.49
  • To assess memory-related processes within areas activated by noxious stimuli, a stimulus-specific ROI mask was established based on the responses evoked by the first noxious heat stimulus (STIM1; data averaged across all trials and all subjects, including both control trials and experimental memory trials). The search for stimulus-related activation was narrowed to include only the cerebral regions commonly reported in studies of experimental pain (Apkarian et al., 2005); thus, the threshold t value for the search volume of common pain regions is 4.07 (random-effects GLM), which is equivalent to p = 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons within the 2074 voxels of the common pain network. Coordinates are given in Talairach space (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988). Lateral (x), anterior (y), and superior (z) stereotaxic coordinates (in millimeters) are relative to midline, anterior commissure, and commissural line, respectively (positive values are right, anterior, and superior). Left-side activation is contralateral to the presentation of noxious stimuli. BA, Brodmann area; t values in bold correspond to a p value of ≤0.05.