Cell no. and type | Soma | Dendrites | Hippocampalaxon | Extrahippocampal targets | Immunocytochemical test | ||||||||||||
Retrohippo-campal area | Septum | PV | CB | CR | SOM | NPY | CCK | VIP | NOS | M2R | mGluR 1α | mGluR 8a input | mGluR 7a input | ||||
T87c double-projection | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | +, b.s.a | + | − | + | − | + | − | − | − | n.t. | − | + | − | + |
C25a double-projection | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | + | + | − | + | − | + | + | n.t. | − | n.t. | − | + | − | − |
D150 double-projectionb | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | +c | +c | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | + | − | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | − | n.t. | − |
P13c double-projection | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | + | + | + | + | − | + | − | − | n.t. | − | + | − | − | − |
T80a oriens-retrohippocampal | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | +, b.s. | − | n.t. | + | − | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | + | − | − | − |
K98c oriens-retrohippocampal | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | + | − | − | + | n.t. | + | − | n.t. | n.t. | − | n.t. | − | − | − |
T85a oriens-retrohippocampald | CA1so | CA1so | CA1so, sp, sr | + | − | − | − | − | − | − | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | + | − | + | + |
T74b radiatum-retrohippocampal | CA1sr | CA1sr/ slm | CA1sr, slm | +, b.s. | − | − | − | − | − | n.t. | − | n.t. | − | n.t. | − | n.t. | n.t. |
T100c radiatum-retrohippocampal | CA1sr/slm | CA1sr/slm | CA1sr, slm | b.s. | − | − | − | − | − | n.t. | − | − | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | n.t. | − |
C11c double-projection | CA3sp | CA3so, sp, sr | CA1sp, sr CA3so,sp, sr | + | + | − | − | n.t. | + | + | − | n.t. | n.t. | − | + | n.t. | − |
b.s., Beyond subiculum (the axon projects to cortex beyond the subiculum); n.t., not tested (the reaction was either not performed, or the reaction did not lead to conclusion); mGluR7a, mGluR8a input, these presynaptic receptors are present at high level in the boutons innervating the cell; +, positive; −, not detectable.
↵aThe axon was running through the subiculum, but no boutons were found.
↵bD150 was intracellularly recorded with a sharp electrode; the other cells were extracellularly recorded and juxtacellularly labeled.
↵cMain axon branches were heading towards the septum and subiculum but were lost before their termination could be reached.
↵dT85a has been reported as a trilaminar cell in a previous study (Ferraguti et al., 2005) and included here for comparison.