Table 2.

Firing frequencies and phases of nonpyramidal projection neurons in different network states recorded in vivo

Cell numberTypeSomaDischarge frequency (in Hz)Theta phasedRipple phasedGamma phased
T87cdouble-projectionCA1so1.5n.o.n.o.0.9131 ± 85°n.o.122 ± 73°
C25adouble-projectionCA1so0.346.80.10.323 ± 41°56 ± 43°m.n.s.
D150adouble-projectionCA1son.o.10.2n.o.n.o.n.o.74 ± 73°n.o.
P13cdouble-projectionCA1son.o. ± 70°79 ± 79°
K98coriens-retrohippocampalCA1so0.348.00.9n.o.71 ± 44°n.o.n.o.
T80aoriens-retrohippocampalCA1so1.143.10.1n.o.16 ± 52°n.o.n.o.
T85aboriens-retrohippocampalCA1so0.269.00.1n.o.358 ± 53°122 ± 60°n.o.
T74bradiatum-retrohippocampalCA1sr6.71.40.8n.o.290 ± 90°n.o.n.o.
T100cradiatum-retrohippocampalCA1slm3.603.0n.o.306 ± 32°n.o.n.o.
  • m.n.s., Modulation not significant; n.o., not observed; nt/nr, nontheta/nonripple periods.

  • aD150 was intracellularly recorded with a sharp electrode.

  • bT85a has been reported as a trilaminar cell in a previous study (Ferraguti et al., 2005).

  • cC11c, no sufficient data were recorded for firing.

  • dMean ± angular deviation.