Table 3.

Postsynaptic targets of in vivo recorded nonpyramidal projection neurons

Cell no.Cell typeSomaHippocampal axonAxonal targets in the CA1 area
Nos. of synapses testedaPostsynaptic targets (%)
Pyramidal cellInterneuronUnidentified
T87cdouble-projectionCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (25)68248
so (13)54388
sp, sr (12)8388
C25adouble-projectionCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (16)8866
so (10)90010
sp, sr (6)83170
D150double-projectionCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (39)692110
so (18)67285
sp, sr (21)711414
P13cdouble-projectionCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (15)9307
so (3)10000
sp, sr (12)9208
T80aoriens-retrohippocampalCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (36)8388
so (12)8388
sp, sr (24)8388
K98coriens-retrohippocampalCA1soCA1so, sp, srtotal (11)10000
so (4)10000
sp, sr (7)10000
C11cdouble-projectionCA3spCA1sp, sr, CA3so, sp, srsp, sr (12)83017
  • aNumbers in parentheses denote the number of postsynaptic cellular profiles that were tested with electron microscopy.