Table 1.

Summary of full-brain analysis

RegionHemisphereTalairach coordinatesmm3
Coherent > conflicting
    Lateral occipital cortex (LOC)L−45−67−41580
    Ventral central sulcusR59−1319576
Conflicting > coherent
    Medial parietal cortex (mPC)L−7−70401376
    Dorsal intraparietal sulcus (dIPS)L−33−4336624
    Visual cortexL−9−84−4391
    Medial thalamusL−3−7−16454
    Precentral sulcus (prCS)L−29−8511799
    Dorsal prCSL−9−466301
    Ventral prCSR37631164
    Supplementary motor cortex (SMA)R2749183
CDC > conflicting
    Ventral intraparietal sulcusL−33−80174659
    Ventral intraparietal sulcusR30−74337785
    Inferior frontal sulcusR442825974
    Insula (IS)L−282110198
Conflicting > CDC
    Planum temporale (PT)L−50−27112072
    Superior temporal gyrusL−44−11−7290
    Precentral gyrusL−26−4552365
  • Listed are the significantly activated regions (p < 0.05 corrected) for the following contrasts: coherent > conflicting, conflicting > coherent, conflicting > cross-modal dynamic capture, and cross-modal dynamic capture > conflicting. L, Left; R, right.