Table 1.

Seed regions and coordinates

SystemSeedBATalairach coordinates (L) (R)
Dorsal attentionFEF (SPrCeS)6(−24, −12, 57) (28, −7, 54)
IPS7(−23, −66, 46) (25, −58, 52)
MT+19/37(−45, −69, −2) (45, −69, −4)
DefaultMPF32/10(−3, 39, −2) (1, 54, 21)
LP39(−47, −67, 36) (53, −67, 36)
PCC31(−5, −49, 40)
SomatomotorSM4/3,1,2(−39, −26, 51) (38, −26, 48)
VisualV117(−19.5, −75, 12) (16.5, −72, 12)
MemoryHF27/35(−21, −25, −14) (23, −23, −14)
Anterior HF(−21, −19, −14) (23, −17, −14)
EmotionAmygdala(20, −8, −17)
AuditoryA141(−50, −25, 8) (50, −25, 8)
  • System, seed name, Brodmann's area (BA), and Talairach coordinates for seed regions used in this analysis are shown. L, Left; R, right; SPrCeS, superior percentral sulcus.