Table 2.

Correlations between the magnitude of sustained activation, age, and performance observed within individual red regions

Regionrsustained activation, agersustained activation, performancersustained activation, age.performance
L frontal: middle frontal gyrus (aPFC)0.26*0.19m0.19m
R frontal: middle frontal gyrus (dlPFC)0.34**0.34**0.21m
R temporal/parietal: superior temporal/supramarginal gyrus (sT/SMg)0.34**0.31**0.22m
L occipital: lingual gyrus0.37***0.29*0.27*
R occipital: lingual gyrus (Lg)0.31**0.42***0.11
  • L, Left; R, right.

  • mp < 0.10,

  • *p < 0.05,

  • **p < 0.01,

  • ***p < 0.001.