Region | Reward-relatedactivation in thedesire contextMNI coordinates (t value) | Reward-relatedactivation during thedesire–reason dilemmaMNI coordinates (t value) | Downregulation of reward-related activationattributable to the desire–reason dilemma(direct comparison)MNI coordinates (t value) | Downregulation of reward-related activationattributable to the desire–reason dilemma(interaction contrast)MNI coordinates (t value) |
L/R midbrain (VTA) | −8, −20, −12 (6.17) | NS | −8, −16, −16 (−7.97) | −8, −20, −16 (−5.43) |
8, −20, −16 (6.04) | NS | 4, −20, −20 (−8.41) | 4, −24, −24 (−6.00) | |
L/R nucleus accumbens | −12, 12, −4 (4.09)a | NS | −12, 12, −4 (−5.81) | −16, 12, −4 (−3.29)a |
12, 12, −4 (5.62)a | NS | 12, 12, −4 (−5.43)a | 12, 12, −4 (−4.31)a |
L/R, Left/right; NS, not significant. Statistical effects were significant at p < 0.05, corrected for false discovery rate (whole-brain correction).
↵aStatistical effects were significant at p < 0.05, corrected for small volume.