Table 1.

Glossary of technical terms

BSRThe effect that leads the subject to seek additional stimulation.
Curve-shift scalingA method for scaling the effect of a manipulation in terms of the offsetting change in the stimulation strength required to hold operant performance for BSR constant. Performance (e.g., time allocation or response rate) is plotted on the y-axis and is measured as a function of stimulation strength, which is plotted on the x-axis; lateral displacement of the resulting psychometric curve is measured.
FhmThe pulse frequency at which reward intensity is half maximal.
Fm50The pulse frequency along a frequency-sweep curve at which time allocation lies halfway between the lower (TAmin) and upper (TAmax) asymptotes. (Fm50 = Fhm only when the price is one half of Pe.)
ICSSIntracranial self-stimulation
Location parameters(Fhm, Pe), the parameters of the reward mountain that determine its location in the plane defined by the common logarithms of the pulse frequency and the price.
Opportunity costPrice, the work time required to earn a reward, scaled in terms of the value of alternate activities forgone.
PeThe price at which time allocation for a maximal reward lies halfway between the lower (TAmin) and upper (TAmax) asymptotes.
PriceOpportunity cost, the cumulative time the lever must be held down in order to earn a train of rewarding stimulation.
Psychometric curveA curve expressing a dependent behavioral variable (e.g., time allocation) as a function of an independent physical variable (e.g., pulse frequency).
Psychometric surfaceA surface expressing a dependent behavioral variable (e.g., time allocation) as a function of two independent physical variables (e.g., pulse frequency and price)
Reward intensityThe subjective strength of the reward, analogous to the subjective variable that makes a highly concentrated sucrose solution more rewarding than a more dilute one.
Reward mountainA psychometric surface in a 3D space describing how time allocation (z-axis) varies as a function of the strength (y-axis) and cost (x-axis) of BSR.
TAmaxMaximal time allocation; the upper asymptote of 2D psychometric curves or 3D psychometric surfaces.
TAminMinimal time allocation; the lower asymptote of 2D psychometric curves or 3D psychometric surfaces.
TAThe proportion of trial time spent working for BSR.