Table 2.

Brain areas modulated by increasing SD or contextual associations

RegionPeak coordinates (x, y, z)Z
Linear effect of increasing CA (independent of SD)
    Left cerebellum−18, −57, −304.04Embedded Image
−6, −72, −213.9731
−12, −63, −243.34
    Left cerebellum−12, −81, −423.605
    Left insula−39, 3, 153.9413
Linear effect of increasing SD (independent of CA)
    Right parahippocampal cortex33, −39, −124.4149
    Left parahippocampal cortex−24, −42, −124.1536
    Left middle frontal gyrus−48, 30, 124.4131
    Right lateral occipital area51, −54, −123.827
    Left precentral sulcus−33, −3, 513.425