Table 2.

Cortical thickness cluster and peak statistics

Cluster no.BAR/Lx, y, z (MNI coordinates)Peak t valueNumber of vertices in clusterFWE-corrected p value for cluster
Controls > patients before treatment (removing age)
    1Temporal/inferior frontalL21060.000008
Medial temporal (MTL)28/34−32, −6, −223.91
Inferior frontal gyrus (VLPFC)47−25, 14, −213.64
    2Insula/frontal operculum/M1R23360.000009
Anterior insula (aINS)32, 19, 73.94
    3Prefrontal/insula/S2/superior temporalL71230.000042
    DLPFC9−42, 31, 323.69
    pACC/sACC243, 35, 04.07
    sACC243, 34, −33.69
    5Visual (no peaks t > 3.5)R20290.0779 (NS)
Controls > patients after treatment (removing age)
    Medial temporal (MTL)−25, −8, −263.60
    2Insula/frontal operculumR19060.000049
    Anterior insula (aINS)32, 19, 73.83
    3Insula/superior temporalL43600.00046
    Superior temporal gyrus22−53, −11, 43.98
    Posterior insula/S2 (pINS/S2)13−42, −20, 73.63
Anterior insula/frontal operculum13−43, 21, 43.58
    4Visual (no peaks t > 3.5)29100.0137
Patients after treatment > patients before treatment (treatment responders only, n = 11)
DLPFC9−45, 33, 247.70
  • BA, Brodmann areas; pACC, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex; sACC, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; S2, secondary somatosensory cortex.