Table 1.

Summary of significant activations for the Report > Follow and the Follow > Report contrast as reported in the main text (cluster-defining threshold, p < 0.001, uncorrected; all reported activations are corrected for multiple comparisons at p < 0.05)

ContrastLabelVoxels at p < 0.001Peak z scorep (cluster FWE corrected)Peak voxel MNI coordinatesLaterality
Report > FollowdACC4215.38< 0.001−3, 14, 46L/R
rlPFC (MFG)735.100.04036, 44, 28R
Follow > ReportOccipital cortex18946.79< 0.001−30, −88, 7L
Occipital cortex18276.74< 0.00136, −85, −8R
Supramarginal gyrus4205.07< 0.001−57, −28, 34L
vmPFC9215.06< 0.001−6, 62, −11L/R
Posterior cingulate5614.57< 0.0010, −46, 34L/R
Cerebellum1044.710.01015, −76, −41R
Posterior parietal cortex774.280.03324, −49, 64R
Anterior temporal lobe1214.150.00560, −13, −14R
  • FWE, Familywise error; L, left; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; R, right; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex.