Table 2.

Group level activations from GLM analysis

Group level activations contrastRegionXYZVoxelsMax Z
Stimulus size linesR occ fusiform8−76−27043.83
R occ pole16−92203783.47
Stimulus size dotsL occ pole−22−98−411884.64
R occ pole14−96−107664.83
Criterion size linesTemporal pole−348−322643.24
Criterion size dotsTemporal fusiform−40−16−344264.19
    PositiveR IFG5010267204.04
R SPL28−56387933.97
    NegativeL IPS−42−643431644.71
R IPS50−722018504.07
L dlPFC−3428389513.87
R IPS20−84204673.46
MotorL c gyrus−44−205892335.81
    Right handR cerebellum16−60−2619995.69
R cerebellum22−70−528695.99
R c gyrus42−125698365.63
    Left handL cerebellum−18−58−3019935.84
L cerebellum−14−74−502573.65
  • Presented clusters were significant at the p < 0.05 level using cluster-based thresholding. Each contrast was relative to baseline. Voxel values are derived using a standard MNI-152 2 mm template. c, Cingulate; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; L, left; occ, occipital; R, right.