Table 3.

Axonal projection patterns of pre-BötC inspiratory neurons labeled by midline injection of Ca2+-sensitive dyes or GAD67-GFP positive pre-BötC inspiratory neurons

Neuron type (n = 46)Projection
Contralateral pre-BötCIpsilateral preMNContralateral preMNIpsilateral XII motor
Intrinsic burster (n = 8)8a (100%)8 (100%)2 (25%)1 (13%)
Nonburster (n = 14)14b (100%)12 (86%)4 (29%)4 (29%)
Nonburster (GAD67-GFP) (n = 24)0 (0%)13 (54%)0 (0%)8 (33%)
  • a 2 dorsal, 6 ventral trajectories.

  • b 5 dorsal, 9 ventral trajectories (see Results).