Table 1.

Summary of histological analysis

Experimental groupCorrected p75NTR cell count (n = 12)AChE fiber density (OF/μm3) (n = 6)
NBMedial septumPEGMEGAEG
Controls1144 ± 253.63148 ± 7300.840 ± 0.0710.706 ± 0.0670.669 ± 0.068
Cholinergic lesions415 ± 4322901 ± 4770.761 ± 0.1490.537 ± 0.1770.568 ± 0.159
  • p75NTR-IR neurons were quantified in serial sections through the NB and the medial septum for each hemisphere, and neuron counts were corrected for tissue volume using a method described by Konigsmark et al. (1969). AChE fiber density was quantified separately in the middle (MEG), anterior (AEG), and posterior (PEG) regions of the ectosylvian gyrus. Values are means ± SD. PV-IR neurons in the NB were quantified in the same way as p75NTR-IR neurons (data not shown).