Table 1.

Neurons comprising rich clubs of the C. elegans connectome

NeuronDegreeRich clubFunctionBirth time
AVAR94Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions311
AVAL93Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions312
AVBL76Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions318
AVBR75Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions314
AVER57Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions329
AVDR56Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions301
AVEL56Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions325
PVCL55Tail interneuron; role in locomotor decisions449
PVCR53Tail interneuron; role in locomotor decisions450
DVA51Tail sensory interneuron; regulates sensory-motor integration during locomotion; modulates locomotion296
AVDL45Head interneuron; role in locomotor decisions299
AIBR39Head interneuron299
RIBL38Head interneuron299
RIAR37Head interneuron299
  • The rich club in the nematode network can be defined by comparison with random networks: the most conservatively defined rich club, denoted 3σ, has a normalized rich club coefficient Φnorm(k) > 1 + 3σ, where σ is the standard deviation of Φrandom(k); less conservatively defined rich clubs, denoted 2σ and 1σ, include a few more neurons with somewhat lower degree than the 3σ rich club neurons. Birth times are given as minutes after fertilization.