Table 1.

Results from BOLD-fMRI analysis of the contrast “incongruent hit > consecutive hit”

Size (voxels)Anatomical labelBAMNI coordinatesT-scorez-score
38Right superior frontal gyrus10326229.385.19
178Left thalamus−16−1087.124.56
75Right thalamus14−1486.484.34
94Left superior temporal gyrus41−52−1886.384.30
87Left cuneus17−14−98−26.244.25
50Right posterior cingulate294−34206.094.19
  • List of regions activated at a combined height threshold of p < 0.0001 and a cluster volume threshold of 20 voxels. In addition to the rostrolateral prefrontal (BA 10) and basal forebrain regions emphasized in the main text, this contrast also yielded activation in regions likely associated with increased visual attention (thalamus, cuneus) and processing of the response feedback tones (temporal gyrus). The reverse contrast (consecutive hit > incongruent hit) did not yield any activation at this height and volume threshold. At a more liberal threshold (p < 0.05) the consecutive hit > incongruent hit contrast revealed activation in medial frontal gyrus (MNI coordinates: 20, 56, 8) and anterior cerebellum (MNI coordinates: 2, −40, −36).