Table 2.

Number of double-labeled cells in V1 layer 2/3

CO stripes and tracers injectedCase numberDiameter (mm)Interinjection distance (μm)aLabel overlap (%)bN single-labeled cellsN double-labeled cellsPercentage double-labeled cellsFigures
Pale medial (Tracer 1)Pale lateral (Tracer 2)Tracer 1Tracer 2Percentage of total labeled cellscPercentage of cells labeled with Tracer 1dPercentage of cells labeled with Tracer 2e
CTBgmdfCTB-488l3260.39 × 0.610.25 × 0.5346688.612154195510.934.031.225, 6A–E
CTB 647lCTB-488l3260.22 × 0.650.25 × 0.53113984.913761055321.282.272.945, 6F–J
CTBgCTB-4883250.32 × 0.330.34 × 0.73126292.99461110693.056.805.85
  • aDistance between the lateral edge of medial-most injection site and medial edge of lateral-most injection site, measured across CO stripes.

  • bArea of overlap of the two labels/smallest area of single-labeled field × 100.

  • cCalculated as follows: N double-labeled cells * 100/(N tracer 1-labeled cells + N tracer 2-labeled cells + N double-labeled cells).

  • dCalculated as follows: N double-labeled cells * 100/(N cells labeled with Tracer 1 + N double-labeled cells).

  • eCalculated as follows: N double-labeled cells * 100/(N cells labeled with Tracer 2 + N double-labeled cells).

  • fThis injection straddled a thick stripe medially.