Table 4.

Brain regions exhibiting significant activity from paired t test during the map presentation phasea

TMNI x, y, zTMNI x, y, z
FPP > SurveyHippocampus (tail)18,9253.85−30, −38, −418,9252.9222, −38, 4
Hippocampus (body)3.38−22, −30, −12
Retrosplenial cortex2.69−10, −46, 23.9010, −42, 0
Precuneus5.60−6, −62, 624.128, −60, 56
Superior parietal lobule5.34−28, −86, 343.8718, −82, 44
Supramarginal gyrus4.80−46, −46, 463.6048, −44, 54
Parahippocampal cortex3.65−22, −44, −122.7722, −44, −12
Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex2975.99−32, 40, 364.1632, 44, 36
Superior frontal gyrus5.4030, 2, 68
Caudate (dorsal)1813.00−16, −2, 242.6516, 2, 22
Cuneus18,9253.55−2, −88, 265.014, −88, 20
Angular gyrus3.91−40, −76, 224.3634, −74, 16
Lingual gyrus3.78−18, −58, −23.4710, −62, 4
Cerebellum2555.95−38, −44, −304.9618, −48, −22
TPP > SurveyRetrosplenial cortex61072.99−10, −44, 261072.886, −46, 8
Precuneus3.83−12, −70, 503.3222, −68, 58
Superior parietal lobule4.31−36, −60, 585.5534, −60, 44
Supramarginal gyrus3.52−42, −44, 445.2852, −40, 46
Parahippocampal cortex3.02−20, −40, −12
Medial prefrontal cortex (dorsal)5704.41−4, 30, 345703.864, 18, 42
Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex8294.11−52, 8, 3826945.2150, 16, 22
Caudate (dorsal)2892.72−14, 2, 182.7516, 4, 18
Angular gyrus61074.67−30, −82, 3661073.0834, −72, 42
Cuneus3.49−18, −96, 223.644, −90, 20
Cingulate gyrus2313.47−2, 4, 342314.656, 12, 26
Lateral occipital gyrus2044.446, −58, −18
Insula3154.35−32, 16, −25965.5840, 20, −8
FPP > TPPRetrosplenial cortex49703.86−14, −44, −6
Parahippocampal cortex49702.7028, −44, −6
Cuneus6.91−10, −82, −328.2416, −78, 30
Lingual gyrus4.90−12, −68, 25.5810, −62, 8
Lateral occipital gyrus4.0048, −68, 16
Postcentral gyrus5563.32−4, −16, 565563.478, −26, 54
TPP > FPPNo significant activations
  • aMNI coordinates reflect cluster-center voxels. T-values reflect a statistical threshold of p < 0.01. Activation clusters survived cluster-threshold correction for multiple comparisons to p < 0.01 with a minimum cluster size of 144.