Table 2.

Peak coordinates and cluster details of GMV differences

HemisphereTalairach coordinates (X, Y, Z)Cluster sizeZ scoreCluster p valuePeak anatomical location
Age-matched comparison
    Controls > dyslexics
        Lefta−45, −15, −1212893.794.37 × 10−7Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
        Left−16, −18, 4010263.177.79 × 10−6Cingulate gyrus, BA 24
        Righta42, −10, 3315455.333.18 × 10−8Precentral gyrus, BA 6
        Right34, 38, 127114.663.49 × 10−4Middle frontal gyrus, BA 10
        Right51, 9, −135183.290.005Superior temporal gyrus, BA 38
    Dyslexics > controls
        No significant results
Reading level-matched comparison
    Controls > dyslexics
        Right42, −13, 326943.720.001Precentral gyrus, BA 6
    Dyslexics > controls
        Left−63, −53, 16725.040.001Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
  • aClusters that survive both FWE and nonstationary cluster corrections.