Table 3.

Peak coordinates and cluster details of WMV differences

HemisphereTalairach coordinates (X, Y, Z)Cluster sizeZ scoreCluster p valuePeak anatomical location
Age-matched comparison
    Controls > dyslexics
        Left−4, −24, 527844.534.78 × 10−6Paracentral lobule
        Left−39, 43, 1310514.059.94 × 10−8Middle frontal gyrus
        Left−30, −13, 459183.496.53 × 10−7Middle frontal gyrus
        Left−20, 44, 323563.540.007Superior frontal gyrus
        Right48, 26, 2410634.478.42 × 10−8Middle frontal gyrus
        Righta42, −8, 3634654.303.54 × 10−19Precentral gyrus
        Right40, −42, −58783.521.17 × 10−6Subgyral temporal lobe
        Right10, −3, 1710213.381.51 × 10−7Anterior to thalamus
    Dyslexics > controls
        No significant results
Reading level-matched comparison
    Controls > dyslexics
        No significant results
    Dyslexics > controls
        Right27, −4, −93863.800.004Lateral to putamen
  • aClusters that survive both FWE and nonstationary cluster corrections.