Table 1.

Geometrical parameters of the model

Soma/somatodendritic compartment
    Area8750 μm2
Axon initial segment (tapering part)
    Length10 μm
    Large diameter1.64 μm
    Small diameter0.66 μm
Axon initial segment (constant part)
    Length10 μm
    Diameter0.66 μm
    Length100 μm
    Inner diameter0.66 μm
    Outer diameter0.948 μm (corresponding to a g-ratio of 0.7),
    Myelin lamellae9 (corresponding to a myelin periodicity of 16 nm)*
Node(s) of ranvier
    Length1 μm
    Diameter0.66 μm
  • *From Agrawal et al. (2009).