Table 1.

Peak foci for activation in the region of overlap obtained during voluntary PFM and voluntary GMM activation

Coordinates x, y, z (mm)Z scoreCoordinates x, y, z (mm)Z score
Primary motor cortex (4)20, −32, 644.7018, −30, 684.86
Premotor cortex (SMA, 6)−4, −20, 663.16−4, −22, 643.82
Primary somatosensory cortex (1–3)−16, −34, 663.7416, −36, 644.67
Superior parietal lobule (5)−6, −40, 482.9810, −40, 544.07
  • Significance: Z > 2.3, p < 0.05, cluster-corrected for multiple comparisons. Coordinates in standard MNI space.