Table 5.

Coordinates of clusters in seed-based connectivity analysis of TPJa-R and TPJa-L

TPJ subregionAnatomical location of cluster peaksMNI coordinates of peak beta value (mm)Cluster size (voxels)
TPJa-RRight supramarginal gyrus+60–30 +248519
Left superior temporal gyrus−50 −4 +27116
Left middle cingulate cortex−6 −2 +425748
Left superior parietal lobule−18 −50 +621912
Right inferior temporal gyrus+48 −60 −4238
Right cuneus+16 −72 +32187
Left middle temporal gyrus−56 −68 +2181
Right middle frontal gyrus+48 −4 +56161
Right thalamus+10 −18 +6157
TPJa-LLeft supramarginal gyrus−60 −36 +307639
Right superior parietal lobule+18 −50 +666911
Right supramarginal gyrus+56 −32 +305703
Left middle occipital gyrus−54 −74 +12360
Left inferior frontal gyrus (p. Orbitalis)−26 +38 −12221
Right thalamus+6 −16 +2221
Right middle orbital gyrus+24 +36 −12105
Right middle frontal gyrus+42 +42 +18100
  • Shown are the anatomical label (CA_N27_MA atlas) and MNI coordinates at the peak beta value of each statistically significant cluster.