Table 1.

Candidate mutants for suppression of FLP-13 and NLP-22 overexpression studied in Figures 3 and 4, their vertebrate homologs, and the reasons that these mutants were selected for study

Gene mutatedChange in functionVertebrate homologReason chosenReference
gsa-1GainGαsReduced lethargus quiescence; resistant to isoflurane(Saifee et al., 2011; Schwarz and Bringmann, 2013)
acy-1GainAdenylate cyclaseReduced lethargus quiescence(Iwanir et al., 2013)
pde-4LossPDE4Reduced lethargus quiescence(Singh et al., 2014)
kin-2LossPKA regulatory subunitReduced lethargus quiescence; resistant to isoflurane(Saifee et al., 2011; Belfer et al., 2013)
goa-1DNGαi/oReduced lethargus quiescence(Singh et al., 2014)
goa-1LossGαi/oResistant to halothane(van Swinderen et al., 2001)
egl-30GainGαqReduced lethargus quiescence; resistant to halothane(Hawasli et al., 2004; Schwarz and Bringmann, 2013)
eat-16LossGαq RGSResistant to halothane and isoflurane(van Swinderen et al., 2001)
dgk-1LossDGK-θResistant to halothane(van Swinderen et al., 2002)
gpa-12LossGα12Activation inhibits feeding(van der Linden et al., 2003)
tpa-1LossPKCδSuppresses effects of gpa-12 activation(van der Linden et al., 2003)
eat-6LossNa+/K+ ATPaseDepolarized pharyngeal muscle(Davis et al., 1995)
egl-19GainL-type Ca2+ channelProlonged pharyngeal action potential(Lee et al., 1997)
tom-1LossTomosynIncreased neurotransmission(Dybbs et al., 2005)
slo-1LossBK channelIncreased neurotransmission; resistant to halothane(Wang et al., 2001; Hawasli et al., 2004)
unc-77GainNALCN channelResistant to halothane(Humphrey et al., 2007)
unc-64NeomorphSyntaxinResistant to halothane and isoflurane(van Swinderen et al., 1999)
unc-7LossInnexinResistant to halothane(Morgan et al., 1990)
tbh-1LossTyramine β-hydroxylaseOpposes 5-HT response(Wragg et al., 2007)
egl-4LossPKGReduced lethargus quiescence(Raizen et al., 2008)
  • DN, Dominant-negative.