Table 1.

Stereotaxic Talairach coordinates of brain area locations with a statistically significant effect of the beat-type contrast in β-ERD for the march condition

x (R–L)y (A–P)z (I–S)Intensity
March perception
    Down > up
        RightInferior parietal lobule−612737−3.311
        LeftPrecentral gyrus60812−3.058
        RightSupramarginal gyrus−534723−2.829
        RightPrecentral gyrus−65216−2.747
        LeftMiddle temporal gyrus53438−2.242
March imagery
    Down > up
        RightMiddle frontal gyrus−23−25−16−2.661
        RightSuperior temporal gyrus−6156−2.539
        LeftSuperior frontal gyrus0−471−2.495
        Rightmiddle frontal gyrus−46−3819−2.251
    Up > down
        RightMiddle temporal gyrus−6028−112.631
        RightInferior parietal lobule−3140492.532
        LeftLingual gyrus089−132.412
        RightParahippocampal gyrus−2327−112.387
        LeftTransverse temporal gyrus6013112.241
        RightInferior occipital gyrus−3882−112.188
        LeftMiddle temporal gyrus4564182.149
        LeftInferior temporal gyrus6043−152.085
        LeftAnterior cingulate7−28242.076
        RightInferior parietal lobule−5340252.052
  • The areas with increased ERD for the downbeat compared to the upbeat (downbeat > upbeat) are associated with a negative value of the intensity, and the areas with increased ERD for the upbeat compared to the downbeat (upbeat > downbeat) are associated with a positive intensity value. The intensity indicates the averaged z-score of the brain activity component within the time interval of interest based on the bootstrap resampling on each location. L, Left; R, right; A, anterior; P, posterior; I, inferior; S, superior.