Table 1.

Reliability of the intersubject correlations for each region and the percentage of each scene category type present in the complete response profile vectors of peaks and troughs for each region

Brain regionISCSocialSinglePerson absentVolumes
    Dorsal MPFC (2, 54, 24)0.2100%0%0%22
    Lateral fusiform (40, −50, −22)0.338.8%41.8%19.4%34
    Medial fusiform (28, −42, −16)0.512.1%21.7%66.2%49
    Intraparietal sulcus (−40, −42, 54)0.331%65.2%3.8%30
    Dorsal MPFC (2, 54, 24)5.7%35.8%58.5%18
    Lateral fusiform (40, −50, −22)20.8%22.5%56.6%37
    Medial fusiform (28, −42, −16)77.8%22.2%0%45
    Intraparietal sulcus (−40, −42, 54)37.2%22.6%40.2%35
  • Simulations comparing the mean intersubject correlation with a null distribution derived from phase-scrambled response time series demonstrated that the ISC was reliable for all four regions (all Z > 15.7, all p < 0.00001). All peak and trough response profiles deviated significantly from the distribution of scene types in the movie (all χ2 > 14, all p < 0.001). Pairwise χ2 tests of independence showed that each region's response profile in peaks and troughs was independent of that of the other regions (all χ2 > 6, all p < 0.04).