Table 2.

Mean percentage of c-fos+/Nissl+-colabeled cells in the BLA, CeA, BNST, and DRN after yohimbine-induced nicotine CPP reinstatement

RegionTreatment Group
BLA2.01 (0.66)52.45 (4.75)a25.53 (7.62)a,b
CeA0 (0)40.71 (3.36)a31.96 (7.58)a
BNST0 (0)46.33 (7.39)37.05 (14.99)
DRN6.77 (1.37)34.96 (2.89)a74.08 (4.50)a,b
  • Shown are the mean and (SEM) percent of c-fos+ cells in the BLA, central amygdala (CeA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) after yohimbine reinstatement for each group of mice.

  • aSignificantly different from saline-only group.

  • bSignificantly different from yohimbine/saline group.