Table 2.

zSTIM1 is required for axon guidance in vivoa

Position of CaP axon distal tip at 24 hpfHorizontal myoseptum0/324/78
Ventral notochord2/3225/78
Ventral muscle boundary30/3249/78
Position of CaP axon distal tip at 48 hpfVentral notochord0/443/40
Ventral muscle boundary0/444/40
Entered lateral surface of muscle44/4433/40
  • azSTIM1-CTRL and zSTIM1-KD CaP axons were visualized in Gal4s1020t/UAS:mCherry embryos, with axons scored on the position of the most distal aspect of the axon at 24 or 48 hpf. The number of axons located at each position is represented as a fraction of total number of CaP axons visualized (values represent the number of axons imaged in 27 zSTIM1-KD and 12 zSTIM1-CTRL embryos).