Table 1.

Onset timing across experiments

ExperimentOnset typeKinematicsPosterior deltoidTriceps lateral head
ROC, mean ± SEROC, mean ± SEDiff Function, median (25th, 75th)ROC, mean ± SEDiff Function, median (25th, 75th)
1AEarl onset134 ± 4 (8 cm)84 ± 588 (87,89)90 ± 690 (88,92)
142 ± 6 (5 cm)88 ± 388 (86,90)88 ± 490 (88,91)
124 ± 5 (2 cm)77 ± 578 (76,81)85 ± 584 (81,86)
2 cm from 8 cm (L/R)216 ± 25/202 ± 7168 ± 10/164 ± 15149 (135,153)/132(128,191)218 ± 34/173 ± 16151 (148,153)/152 (142,191)
5 cm from 8 cm (L/R)279 ± 8/238 ± 15NF175 (173,180)/225 (221,234)NFNF
1BEarl onset145 ± 4 (8 cm)93 ± 494 (89,99)93 ± 490 (87,96)
126 ± 7 (2 cm)85 ± 487 (85,90)NF89 (85,92)
130 ± 8 (1 cm)88 ± 889 (87,91)NF90 (89,93)
125 ± 4 (0.5 cm)116 ± 2481 (79,83)NFNF
0.5 cm from 8 cm191 ± 8/169 ± 4130 ± 7/112 (108,140)/122(115,127)NF129 (118,141)/128 (124,190)
(L/R)131 ± 9
1 cm from 8 cm (L/R)204 ± 7/178 ± 8147 ± 11/141 ± 9147 (145,149)/125(118,131)NF128 (125,135)/184 (145,193)
2 cm from 8 cm (L/R)234 ± 8/213 ± 7145 ± 10/159 ± 9148 (145,150)/191(164,204)NF149 (143,161)/192 (189,196)
2Earl onset narrow 8 cm145 ± 698 ± 699 (98,101)94 ± 295 (93,96)
Earl onset wide 8 cm157 ± 6115 ± 7109 (105,112)102 ± 3101 (97,108)
Earl onset narrow 2 cm124 ± 7NF77 (75,87)NF86 (82,92)
Earl onset wide 2 cm126 ± 16NF90 (85,94)NF99 (96,102)
Narrow from wide 8 cm (L/R)165 ± 11/161 ± 9181 ± 16/125 ± 13122 (117,180)/108 (105,146)NF138 (132,224)/NF
Narrow from wide 2 cm (L/R)NFNF88 (78,94)/111(102,121)NF109 (106,111)/125 (94,132)
3AEarl onset no Obs150 ± 596 ± 792 (88,103)96 ± 391 (89,95)
Earl onset Obs140 ± 4NF92 (90,95)NF91 (88,96)
No Obs from Obs (L/R)298 ± 70/194 ± 7163 ± 10/179 ± 15150 (149,153)/NF240 ± 27/154 ± 9NF/160 (156,169)
3BEarl onset no Obs140 ± 4 ms;92 ± 492 (90,94)88 ± 389 (87,92)
Earl onset Obs121 ± 6 msNF92 (90,95)NF91 (90,108)
No Obs from Obs (L/R)203 ± 11/174 ± 14NF/126 ± 8NF/135 (132,137)173 ± 25/165 ± 26151 (150,155)/NF
3CEarl onset no Obs140 ± 486 ± 488 (82,93)NFNF
Earl onset124 ± 4NF97 (96,100)NFNF
Obs wide config
Earl onset114 ± 9NF94 (92,97)NFNF
Obs narrow config
No Obs from Obs wide configNF/186 ± 9NF/136 ± 8NF/119 (117,135)NFNF
No Obs from Obs narrow config (L/R)NF/190 ± 9NF/121 ± 10NF/122 (120,124)NFNF
  • For each experiment, the table shows the kinematic onsets as calculated from ROC and the EMG onsets as calculated from ROC analyses and Difference Functions. ROC analysis was calculated for each individual. The interquartile range reported for the Difference Functions was calculated from a bootstrap procedure. Earl, Earliest; Obs, Obstacle; L/R, left cursor jumps /right cursor jumps; NF, not found.