Table 1.

A summary table showing a number of studies contrasting sentences to word lists using different imaging modalities, stimulus modalities, and control types

StudiesImaging modalityStimulus modalityWord list typeLanguageATLPTLIFCTPJORB
Mazoyer et al., 1993PETAuditoryContent and functionFrench×
Stowe et al., 1998PETVisualContent and functionDutch×
Vandenberghe et al., 2002PETVisualSentence scrambledEnglish××
Humphries et al., 2005fMRIAuditoryContent onlyEnglish××
Humphries et al., 2006fMRIAuditorySentence scrambledEnglish××
Snijders et al., 2009fMRIVisualContent and functionGerman×××
Pallier et al., 2011fMRIVisualContent and functionFrench××××
Brennan and Pylkkänen, 2012MEGVisualContent and functionEnglish××××
Fedorenko et al., 2012fMRIVisualContent and functionEnglish××××
Matchin et al., 2017fMRIVisualContent and functionEnglish×××
Zaccarella et al., 2017fMRIVisualContent onlyGerman××