Table 2.

Brain regions showing differences (partial physical non-dominance > partial physical dominance) in BOLD signal between partial physically dominating bundles located on different ICs during bundle-on phase (whole-brain analysis with GLM2)

Brain regionHemisphereMNI peak coordinates (x, y, z)Peak z score
Striatum*R16, 6, −63.8
Midbrain*/4, −16, −122.85
OFC*R24, 42, −163.99
Insular gyrus/basal operculumL−30, 24, −25.55
R32, 26, −64.40
Angular gyrusR32, −68, 285.51
CerebellumL−36, −68, −304.79
Superior frontal gyrus/22, 2, 544.75
Occipital gyriL−28, −88, 44.57
Middle frontal gyrusL−50, 40, 164.32
R46, 42, 143.76
Inferior frontopolar gyrusR18, 64, −84.11
Cingulate gyrus/−2, −24, 284.05
  • Cluster p values (p < 0.05) with family-wise error correction across the whole brain. Map threshold p < 0.005, extent threshold ≥ 10 voxels;

  • *p < 0.05 with small volume correction correction (6-mm radius for striatum and midbrain; 10 mm for OFC) using coordinates from Neurosynth meta-analysis database (see Materials and Methods).